Week 6

Today is the 26th of June, 4 more days left until Cashrithm is launched.😬

It’s the final week and I haven’t explained the website thoroughly 😂. So this week I have decided to introduce the application I’ve been building for the last 38 days.


Cashrithm, a mix of Cash and algorithm aims to support and help small and medium entreprises to track their cashflow using pre-written algorithms. Aiming to provide an accurate data analysis and feedback to the user, reduce their time and effort to track their expenses, or revenue but focus more on their customer or product.


How it works: Cashrithm is a simple website that provides a platform for users to upload their data in csv format, process data with pre-written algorithms and functions then provide an accurate summary of the data such as summing up the Revenue, categorize the Expense and many more.

home This is a minimal Dashboard that users will see after Login.

add When you click on the plus button in the Dashboard page, it will direct you to the Add Data page which allow users to upload their csv files.

sheet When you click on the created data item it will direct you to a page that displays all the data, categories. Currently this page is still the first version, I will update the UX/UI of this page later.


Why did I create this website? To be honest this idea came from my mom’s friend. It may seem obvious as I have zero experience and knowledge in accountant and finance. But the main reason why I have decided to make this website from scratch is for fun.

In the beginning, I actually had the thought of earning a ton of money with this website, but as I started the coding journey the idea of earning money seemed a bit too far and stretched. So instead I took this challenge as a learning journey. I understood more in the backend side of the application such as database, user authentication.

Progress Update: Week 6 📊

Nothing new was added, but I made the application more scalable as I coded a few functions that could sum up the value, or categorize values when the functions are called.

Function Algorithms ✅

  • Sum Algorithm
  • Category Algorithm based on Vender

Please subscibe to my weekly blog to get the latest updates.

Thanks for reading 👀. There will be a weekly blog every Friday, Stay Tuned.😉