Week 5

It’s now Week 5, time flew by and I only have less than 2 weeks to launch version 1 of Cashrithm. As the deadline gets closer and closer, I can slowly feel the pressure. I’m blaming the pressure on the 42 days challenge I started. Not only do I have to keep the promise I made but also I really wanted to reach my milestone.

This week was not fun at all, not only do I need to balance my school works but debugging takes forever to get debugged… (Someday when I have the capacity to hire someone, I will definetly hire a debugger. Hear me out.)


This week I want to introduce a new concept – MVP. MVP stands for minimum viable product, not most valuable player. As a high school programmer and engineerer my connections are pretty limited, let’s be honest I only have less than 10 connections on Linkedin.

Besides, that is not the main point. The main point is if you are the general public, cough cough me included, you and I will not care about the process, but the outcome, the final product and is it useful.

On the other hand, as a 16 year old high schooler my resources are pretty limited. No experience, No team members (yes, I am a solo developer for now, if you want to help out please email me), No money. To sum it up, all I have is time and passion.

So how can I leverage my resources properly but also meet the market need (produce a product)?

Step 1: List out all the must have features.

Assuming you already have an idea in mind, I will recommend list out all the compulsory features. Make sure they are minimum, removing as many extra features, those aren’t that important for now because they can be added once your MVP is completed.

For example: In this project, one of the must-have feature is a database that could store user’s information and sheet information.

Step 2: Find Simple Open-Source tools.

Let’s say you want to make a chair there are 3 plans.

Plan A: You make the hammer by yourself by cutting down wood and finding a malleable rock. Then you use the hammer to build the chair.

Plan B: You purchase the hammer, and use it to build the chair.

Plan C: You purchase the chair. (But you don’t have enough money…)💸

Linking that back to coding, Plan B seems to work the best out of the three. So instead of building everything from scratch, the hammer, you use tools that are made prior to your project. In my case Open-Source, there are many open-source materials in the internet decreasing your production time by half but they are also easy to use and free.

Step 3: Test Run

Before submitting your project, test run your application. Do a final checkup on every single funciton and detail, make sure everything runs smoothly, before launching.

Progress Update: Week 5 📊

This week, I tackled a few of the boring tasks. Debugging, debugging and debugging. Simple but boring. Will be adding more MVP features in the upcoming weeks, including csv file upload and many more.

Removed previous errors and bugs ✅

  • The application can now add multiple sheet
  • Link directly to the database, Firebase Firestore
  • View data sheet by sheet id


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Thanks for reading 👀. There will be a weekly blog every Friday, Stay Tuned.😉