Week 2

Week Number Two.

Today is Day 10 of my challenge, to be honest it has been tough since school started and homeworks have been piling up. 😵 I didn’t achieve as much as I intended to, sort of struggling between balancing school and personal projects. But still glad to see my friends again.

Basically, this week’s progress was bad. On a scale from 1 - 10, I will say it is a solid 3.


From the very beginning I have always aimed for consistency. But after these 10 Days, things have gotten harder and harder. More bugs, less motivation, more homework (worst thing ever, can’t believe they still exist). Needless to say, this week was stressful and daunting.

Even with these troublesome problems, I am glad that I still managed to keep my streak of crosses running. Although somedays I only did a short 10 minutes programming session but I kept myself accountable and didn’t give up. 👏👏

Although it is way easier to give up then to continue, but I just want to have a complete product. Just One Single Complete Project. Although erros and bugs are unavoidable but having a clear purpose forced me or even kicked me to continue working on this project.

This website might not be used by anyone, but completeing a project means a lot to me. So have a strong clear purpose, a purpose that will someday push or kick you when you feel low and stressful.

Plan for the upcoming week

1. Category algorithm

It is a bit more complicated than the other 2 algorithms because it consists of two data source instead of one. I have been pushing this feature back for a while so I hope to finish this as soon as possible so it won’t delay my schedule. (not saying that I have a busy schedule.)

2. Input Sheet

I will add more features on the Create New Sheet page. I want to allow users to control the data-output so it is tailor-made. Not only that, but have a friendly user interface. (probably adding that near the end, when every main components are working together) 🤞


Progress Update: Week 2 📊

Finally finished one of the key features which is the algorithm section that fetches data and return a summary of it.

Algorithms ✅

  • Revenue algorithm
  • Expense algorithm


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Thanks for reading 👀. There will be a weekly blog every Friday, Stay Tuned.😉