Using ML models to improve monitoring of PD's patients - Part 3


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To make life easier, I have drawn this curve to represent myself in different stages of this project. Yellow ball represents me, and Nung is the end goal.

1 The motivation

In the first few days, the motivation was huge.

When I had the idea of helping PD patients on recieving better and more accurate medication, I was determined to do my best and become the change to launch this wearable tech device. My eye was on the final outcome – Nung, this is why the ball is parallel to the end goal.

I can see and vision the goal, but to achieve it there’s a long way ahead.

2 The dip

As I started to delve into all sorts of research research and research, I slowly realized there weren’t any pre-existing product on this PD idea. Many ideas were on how to find or discover people with Parkinson’s Diease earlier. However, not much were being done in the process of having PD.

After doing a handful of research, it is time to experiment, trial and error and most important it is time to play.

Combining something you enjoy with your project is extremely fullfilling as you will never get bored. Until, the bugs and errors started to popup. I experimented with countless of models, prototypes, scripts, and programs. Finding the most relevant electronics that could run wirelessly and send data wirelessly is a hassle.

As time progresses, I felt lost, moving further and further away from my end goal. There was times I couldn’t see the end goal.

I have reached the rock bottom.

3 The climb

One day, I have got an oppurtunity to work with a year four engineering student from Hong Kong City University. He helped me tremendously with debugging the code. And for the first time in 1 month, my program is finally working.

Later on, I started to gain momentum. Finished and self learned some Machine Learning algorithms, straight after that solder the electronics, design the casing and finally assembling everything together. I was climbing up the hill.


Finally, after 4 months of dedication, hard work, and countless of failures, I have finally finished and test ran Nung on a patient.

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A kind reminder: this product is not FDA approved, nor professionally made. It’s just me being bored.

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