Using ML models to improve monitoring of PD's patients - Part 1

More than 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson’s disease (PD). A progressive nervous system disorder that causes stiffness and affects the movement of the patient. In simpler terms, many people suffered from Parkinson’s disease but it is not curable. If deep brain stimulation (DBS) is mature enough then there’s a chance for PD to be curable.

By addressing this problem, I will be creating a tech device that could possibly help hospitals to offer PD patients more accurate and pratical medications.


I created a wearable tech device – Nung. It can accurately capture patient’s vibration value throughout the day. Tracking and analyzing recurring pattern to help hospitals make better medication decisions for each patient.

Not only does it provide accurate data to hospitals, it also brings convieniences to PD patients when they revisit their doctors. Usually, patients will recall their past symptoms and ask doctor for further medication adjustment. However, it is difficult to recall every single detail, thus making the medication adjustment inaccurate, and inefficient. But with the use of this wearable tech device, hospitals can identify the vibration pattern with ease.



  • ESP8266 (wifi module)
  • SW420 (vibration sensor)
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires



I’ve decided to switch from Arduino Uno/Nano to ESP8266. The main reason is because it can post the data to the database without the need to connect the electronics with an usb cable.


  1. SW420 captures the vibration data from the user
  2. Save the time and vibration data to a database (I’m using Firebase)
  3. The website will get the data stored in the database
  4. Output a linear graph


g By graphing this out, hospitals can visualize patient’s condition live.

  • X-Axis - Time in seconds. (Haven’t changed the x-axis)
  • Y-Axis - Vibration value.


This Upcoming Month…

  1. Use a ML model to analyze the dataset
  2. Identify certain time period that has the highest average vibration value
  3. Adding a battery so the electronic can go full wireless
  4. User test

A kind reminder: this product is not FDA approved, nor professionally made. It’s just me being bored.

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Thanks for reading 👀. There will be a monthly blog every month on the first week of Friday, Stay Tuned.😉