Chapter 1: Primary School

I am starting a new series! Yes, no more code snippets or tutorials. (Well only for a while.) I realized most of my readers aren’t interested in coding so I decided to change up the content. I am going to tell stories about myself.

Primary School

Exactly 10 years ago, I started primary school. Back then, my favorite subjects were Art and ICT (basically computer class). Mainly because there weren’t any tests and exams. To clarify I’m not the kid with straight A’s, or the kid who’s talented in sports. But I am the kid who hated exams and tests especially dictations.

Art class

I like art because it was fun. I remembered once I made a cardboard robot with red pockets with my friends. I enjoyed the process of making something physical from start to finish.

Everything is Art

I saw a youtube video explaining how someone put a blank white painting in an art gallery and sold it for millions of dollars. So I thought it would be easy to score an A, as there are a lot of empty white pages in my sketchbook. Well expectations never equal to reality. I learned that from the hard way.

In reality my art grades were C’s.

Computer class

In the beginning, I hated computer classes. They were so boring and repetive, each lesson teachers just explain some basic functions of the computer such as what is copy and paste.

But, as we started to learn scratch I started to build up my curiosity on writing simple block codes. It was extremely fun as I could basically control the cat, what it does, where it goes. Later on I participated in competitions to enhance my skills. I even won a few awards.

The awards I got might be small comparing them to other people’s. But these small achievements sparked joy, because someone verified my product, they think it’s good. Now that’s something big.


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Thanks for reading 👀. There will be a weekly blog every Friday, Stay Tuned.😉