A replica of Amazon's Audible

This month I’ve been playing around with machine learning and experimenting with different libraries. On the other hand, I’ve been wanting to read this new Chinese novel series, 慶餘年. It has 760 chapters, each chapter with a few thousand Chinese character. Also, this novel series was highly recommended by my cousin.

And this is what I came up…

An audiobook that is sort of a replica Amazon’s Audible. Imagine there is a software where you paste in the link of the book, it converts the file into pdf then use text-to-speech recognition to read the characters out loud. How cool would that be…

Here the the 4 key steps:

1 Find the book online

I found this website that offers 慶餘年 in TXT format.

2 Convert TXT to PDF format

This took me a while as there were 760 chapters. But here is a simple snipet where I used the pdfkit library to convert from txt to pdf.

import pdfkit
import shutil

for i in site:
    title = i[14:-4] + '.pdf'
    pdfkit.from_url('http://big5.quanben-xiaoshuo.com' + i, title)

    old = r'' + title
    new = r'./慶餘年/' + title

3 Text to Speech

Here comes the fun part. I used Google’s gTTS Library to process text into speech. They offer a wide range of language, including Cantonese, Mandarin, English, French etc. I then wrote a simple script to tell the program to read every character from the PDF document I generated previously.

However, the gTTS Library isn’t the newest libary offered. It often skips past a few vocabulary such as ‘⼦’, ‘一’, ‘黑’. This made the whole audio book sounds incomplete making the whole user experience bad.

from gtts import gTTS

myAudio = gTTS(text=output_string.getvalue(), lang='zh-yu', slow=False)


4 慶餘年 Chapter 1 Audiobook

慶餘年 Chapter 1 PDF snippet

楔⼦ ⼀塊⿊布 範慎很困難地撐著上眼⽪,看著指頭算⾃⼰這輩⼦做過些什麽有意義的事情,結果右⼿五根瘦成筷⼦⼀樣的指頭








Nung Update

Nung is still in progress, was a bit behind the schedule as I haven’t test it on a Parkinson’s Disease patient. Will be coming soon shortly…

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